Here are the projects I am currently working on.

Mastermind Consulting

“The Mastermind is the best professional growth I have ever had.” - Margaret

Creating a mastermind is an amazing way to engage and develop professionals. Whether you are a professional organization, alumni association, or business leader, establishing a mastermind is a powerful way to add value to those you serve and ensure their success.

Most organizations don’t know how to build support for their members at scale. I share the tools and strategies to make this effort seemingly effortless from an organization’s standpoint.

Enter your name and email address below to get a case study on how Kimberly, a school principal benefited from a mastermind. I help organizations establish mastermind systems and processes so that they can help their members thrive in an increasingly complex world.


Each week, I interview one of the greatest principals on the planet. These Transformative Principals teach principals and aspiring principals how to be the best they can at helping students succeed. From principals who do their work "off the grid" to some of the most well-known names in education, these principals teach and inspire us to be our best and share strategies to help teachers.

Transformative Leadership Summit

Each summer, I host the biggest and most amazing online educational leadership conference.

2016: Transformative Leadership Summit

2017: The School Experience

2018: Empowerment

2019: Coming soon…

Pickr App

We created this app to effectively allow students to have flexibility in accessing Tier 2 Interventions and Enrichment during the school day through tutorials. 

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Book: Paperless Principal

Have you ever wanted to go paperless? Have you ever wanted to remove all the clutter from your professional life? I did, and this book provides the workflows, shortcuts and processes to help you do the same! Click here to buy in the App Store

Draw My Doll

Launched at Startupweekend Provo in February 2014, this app allowed anyone to create their own doll. They draw the doll using the iPad app, and our seamstresses hand sews the doll right here in the USA.